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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, my childhood in the '90s in Moscow was a time of freedom of speech and open public discussion. However, that quickly ended with the rise of autocracy in the 2000s, when the state took control of information and media. The new reality from television was taking shape in front of my eyes, becoming more and more different from the world I was living in, causing more wariness. This is why the matter of truth is essential issue in my artistic practice.

I am interested in surrounding mediated truths, language and perception, mythologies and ideologies within the institution of art, politic and society. A core question is how art can challenge existing power structures.

Art is a way of communication, therefore verbal expression is fundamental for me. In a present where we are overloaded with visual and informational stimuli, I produced my latest projects using essential tools: texts, lights, simple shapes, monochrome. Often the viewer becomes part of the work and forms its meaning.

Through these working methods, my creations live in a state between visible-invisible, appearing-disappearing, fragile-brutal, understanding-misunderstanding, reality-fiction. At the same time I do not abandon the attempt to find a way out of this ambivalence, the objective of which is to overcome the numbness of reality.

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